Posted: July 10, 2012 | Filed Under: Tech Tips
Recently T324 Technology Associates have received quite a few calls about an overseas company that calls people on the phone and pretends to be Microsoft, offering tech support or reporting a problem.
The company obtains administrator status on on the mark's computer, then removes the rights of users and charges as much as $300/yr to "provide support"- which, of course, they don't actually do....
Posted: June 19, 2012 | Filed Under: Tech Tips
T324 staffer Suzanne here with a story! Recently T324 had a booth at the Joint Chamber Business Expo put on by the Albany, Berkeley and Emeryville Chambers of Commerce. While owner David Daniels manned the booth, I walked around and chatted. While talking to an event manager from a local civic organization, I learned that she didn't know what SEO is.
I explained it to her and she was intrigued....
Every year the Emeryville, Berkeley and Albany Chambers of Commerce join forces to put on a really lovely Business Expo. The free event is held at the beautiful Doubletree Hotel by Hilton on the Berkeley Marina on Thursday evening, May 24th, from 4:30 - 7:30 p.m. Forty to fifty local businesses have tables, providing information about their products and services. Attendance and parking are...
T324 is an active member of the Emeryville Chamber of Commerce, a wonderful, lively local business organization. The Emeryville Chamber does a monthly series of breakfast events called Chamber University, where the leaders of local businesses can share their specialized expertise.
Next Thursday May 10, David Daniels, owner of T324, is giving a presentation called "Think Globally, Network Locally...
Posted: June 25, 2010 | Filed Under: Tech Tips
A common inquiry we get from clients is regarding a letter they receive in the mail about the impending renewal of their web site's domain name (see example notice to the right). It is usually from a company you've never heard (like the Domain Registry of America) informing you that your domain is expiring. Odds are, it's a scam called Domain slamming.
Wikipedia defines Domain slamming as a "form...