Latest News - seo

T324 staffer Suzanne here with a story! Recently T324 had a booth at the Joint Chamber Business Expo put on by the Albany, Berkeley and Emeryville Chambers of Commerce. While owner David Daniels manned the booth, I walked around and chatted. While talking to an event manager from a local civic organization, I learned that she didn't know what SEO is. I explained it to her and she was intrigued....
Long-time T324 client SITE Services has just announced a new name -- Spintrac Systems, Inc. -- and a new web site! Spintrac Systems provides high quality track systems for spin coating, developing, baking, and cleaning. This name change will serve as an opportunity to re-brand the company and allow it to showcase the wide range of proprietary systems that SITE Services has developed. The...
T324 welcomes new client: Carty Construction — a highly reputable general contractor in the Bay Area specializing in all aspects of residential and commercial drainage, foundation replacement, retaining walls and seismic upgrade retaining walls. T324 we will be performing web site updates & search engine optimization.
Speaking of search engines... T324 has a powerful marketing service called Search Engine Optimization(sometimes referred to as SEO for short). This service can get your web site ranked highly among the major Internet search engines. It efficiently and cost-effectively connects you with qualified prospects (these are potential customers who are actively searching for your services) and can...
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