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Source: Justin Beiber to Drake, Designing Content that Works and Reworks
Drake, Justin Beiber, Content Marketing, Online Marketing, Social Media, Viral videos, Ny times
If you don’t know the words to Rick Ross’s ubiquitous 2009, “Everyday I’m Hustlin’”, you are either too young, too old, or you're deaf. In either case, you should know those words, because that’s exactly what your marketing program should be doing for you right now. And here, we might take a page out of a rapper’s playbook. “Everyday I...
We've been talking about the concerns raised by the business owners who attended T324 owner David Daniels' Learning Lunch at the Berkeley Chamber of Commerce. One topic that we've touched on only lightly was social and content marketing. Several business owners said they knew they should set their sites up with blogs, Facebook, LinkedIn and Pinterest, but weren't actually sure why. To the kind...
Recently T324 owner David Daniels gave a Learning Lunch, “What I Wish I’d Known Before I Built My Website”, at the Berkeley Chamber of Commerce. Last week we talked about the round robin opening and typical concerns that business owners raised, and addressed the question of "How do I pick a web designer/developer/person/company who'll build my site?" One of the most important steps in choosing a...
Last week T324 owner David Daniels gave a Learning Lunch, "What I Wish I’d Known Before I Built My Website", at the Berkeley Chamber of Commerce. The conference room was standing room only, because although business owners come in many flavors of tech savvy, they all know mistakes are expensive. The introduction to the talk includes a round-robin of questions about the needs and concerns of the...
We're getting to know Pinterest, because more and more businesses are finding ways to market through this user-friendly clipping/curating service. One thing about Pinterest, it's kind of addictive! Join us for tech humor and tips, geek fashion and design updates. Clipped from: (share this clip)  Suzanne on Google+
An excellent article from Social Media Examiner, on how to increase your Facebook Page likes and otherwise leverage Facebook connectivity. Clipped from: (share this clip)
T324 is an active member of the Emeryville Chamber of Commerce, a wonderful, lively local business organization. The Emeryville Chamber does a monthly series of breakfast events called Chamber University, where the leaders of local businesses can share their specialized expertise. Next Thursday May 10, David Daniels, owner of T324, is giving a presentation called "Think Globally, Network Locally...
David Daniels, Owner of T324, is appearing in a panel tomorrow entitled "Utilizing Social Media for Business" at El Cerrito City Hall from 8-9:30AM. This FREE event is sponsored by the City of El Cerrito, East Bay Business Alliance, El Cerrito Rotary, and El Cerrito Patch. It includes other local experts and promises to be useful and informative. From the listing on Albany Patch... The rapidly...
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