These circuit board shoes from Louboutin are so amazing they make us want to run out the office door and shout in the street. How can it possibly be okay that something is so amazing and yet so completely, unattainably expensive? We don't even know how much they cost. Probably a trillion dollars. Luckily, there are more affordable options for the geek fashion lover who enjoys circuit boards, and...
Google Fiber, live now in Kansas City, is a fiber optic network that connects users at significantly faster web speeds, up to 1,000 times faster than standard Internet services. Since the service is rolling out to residential rather than business customers first, hackers and tech enterpreneurs are buying and renting space in the neighborhood. To anyone who's lived in the Bay Area, the cost of KC...
Nowadays we tend to talk as if Google sees everything we do, as if the Google search engines spider the entire net while we sleep, mining our data for their ad sales. But actually there's a cutout in the Googlesphere, an enormous blind spot where what we do, like and share is hidden from Google- and that's Facebook. In the Facehole-sphere, our billion users' worth of monetizable actions and...
This is just so great. I totally need this for my desk here at T324. Neeeed. Clipped from: (share this clip)  
The first question a walk-in client here at the T324 office usually asks is, "How much does a website cost?" We wish we had a quick one-size-fits-all answer to that question. Does the walk-in client want a single page personal website or a seventy-five page e-commerce site that gets fifty thousand visits a day? Does he or she want a generic design from a commercial template or a custom design...
Do you lose your car? As a person who grew up in Manhattan and didn't learn to drive til age 23, your bloggess frequently loses her car. They all look the same, don't they? A co-worker at a previous tech company suggested using the office-provided iPhone to mark car location, but her hatred of the iPhone prevented this. However, Find My Car for Android seems like an excellent solution. Clipped...
Here at T324 we're getting a surprising amount of useful business tools from Pinterest, like this cheat sheet for social media image sizes, very handy for website designers. There are great infographics about the contentious state of B2B content marketing and graphs about how much small businesses are spending on social media. Humans are visual creatures, and Pinterest is a fast, intuitive way to...
In the Anti-Mac corners of the universe, Jobs-Hegemony-haters chuckle happily at the news that the iPad actually lost a little bit of ground to other devices over the gift-giving season. The iPad still dominates overall tablet traffic, with 78.86 percent of all traffic from slates, but it dropped from 86 percent pre-Christmas. Chitika still expects it to climb back above 80 percent, but it does...
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