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A blog is a great way to connect with your customers, recognize client achievements, and improve your site traffic. Plus, it's a fun place to talk about your company values and the interests of your team.

The T324 blog is where we practice what we preach!

You can search our blog using tags for topics, or check out the categories, like Our Clients and Tech News. Tech Tips includes features like our popular "What I Wish I'd Known Before I Built my Website", a four-part series. Geek Love is where we talk about the things we're fascinated by and post about geek fashion news.

At T324 we have production staff candidates do a programming test. We could save their time and ours if Hackermeter, part of the YC freshman class, had already tested, rated and published their skill level. Since our production staff works closely with clients, we'd still have a long way to go to qualify a new employee, but at least we wouldn't be wasting the time of people who don't...
Brands are becoming publishers. Let's say it again: brands are becoming publishers. Is this good? No. It's stupid. If you're in the sneaker selling business, and you are forced by your marketing strategists to become a content publisher, are you going to have the experience equity in publishing you have in sneaker production? Hell no. You are no more qualified to be a publisher than a...
We were so pleased to create a bright, user-friendly website for Sparkling Clean, a small business that supports ecologically responsible domestic cleaners. We built the site in Drupal, a modern Content Management System that allows the site’s owner to easily update and customize content herself. Sparkling Clean refers cleaners who use non-toxic cleaning products rather than toxic chemicals...
Last week T324 owner David Daniels gave a Learning Lunch, “What I Wish I’d Known Before I Built My Website”, at the Berkeley Chamber of Commerce. The conference room was standing room only, because although business owners come in many flavors of tech savvy, they all know mistakes are expensive. The introduction to the talk includes a round-robin of questions about the needs and...
T324 was very excited about doing some website work for Alexis LeCount, owner of just-launched food truck business Lexie's Frozen Custard. Not just because food trucks are cool, but because half of us are from the East Coast or Midwest and we freaking love love love us some Frozen Custard! If you're a West Coaster, you may ask, "What is this frozen custard you speak of?" We...
GaymerX, a new conference in SF this August, will welcome LGBTQ gamers for a weekend-long event that is the first "gaming and geek lifestyle convention with a focus on LGBTQ culture". Here's the Facebook page for updates! (Share Clip)   (Share Clip)  
Image credit: Fox Gorgeous new posters for the next X-movie, Days of Future Past, and we freakin' love this crossplay Castiel. Maybe it's the young lady's charming expression. Photo from EmpireOnline  
Here's T324 owner David Daniels' backyard chickens chowing on some delicious leftover mac 'n' cheese. David's family enjoys these guys as pets and for tasty eggs. They're low-maintenance and entertaining, and it seems like everyone in the East Bay has chickens. But did you know there's an urban chicken backlash? Here's a fascinating article from The Atlantic "...
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