Posted: January 23, 2013 | Filed Under:
These circuit board shoes from Louboutin are so amazing they make us want to run out the office door and shout in the street. How can it possibly be okay that something is so amazing and yet so completely, unattainably expensive? We don't even know how much they cost. Probably a trillion dollars.
Luckily, there are more affordable options for the geek fashion lover who enjoys circuit boards, and...
Posted: November 28, 2012 | Filed Under:
It's great to live in the Bay Area, where resources like TechShop and MakerFaire allow us to access the latest physical object technology developments.
Bespoke Innovations 3Dprinted articificial limb
However, one thing New York is getting first is Shapeways' Factory of the Future. At this unbelievable 3D print-on-demand store, they are going to have 50 industrial 3d printing machines.
In the...